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John Davidson is a graduate of Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta Canada, with a Bachelor of Theology. He has served as a Senior Pastor, Camp Director, led several Men's groups as well as owned several construction businesses. He resides in Grand Rapids, MI with his wife of 22 years and two adult children.

HE currently teaches transformation classes in the Great Lakes Supernatural Ministry School at New Life Christian Fellowship in Grand Rapids as well as teaches and leads Treasure Hunts.

Writing music was never a goal -not something I aspired to. It was a response to an out flow of something else.   Although I was reared in a strong Christian home-Attended bible school and became a pastor, a major event happened to me that challenged everything I believed.  I discovered everything was built on a faulty foundation. You see, my wife had a major nervous breakdown a year into our first pastorate.  I was fresh out of bible school and instead of staying and trying to work through things she went back to her home and never came back.   I left the pastorate and I eventually blamed God and turned my back on Him and. I then pursued the things of the world to fill that void in my heart.  I looked for love in all the wrong places; sought, peace and couldn’t find it; craved acceptance and found competitiveness pettiness and shame.  During all this time though, God never left or forsook me.  All the thousands of verses I memorized as a child haunted me and God pursued me with His relentless love.


Gods relentless love for me finally broke through as I came to the end of myself and realized only He could satisfy the deepest longings of my soul. As I turned from the empty husks of the pigsty I wallowed in of lust, pride and the pursuit of power and possessions I began discovering my true identity in Fathers love. I began to weep and cry.  There was a time of 40 days and 40 nights where I focused on spending time in God’s presence.  It was during that time the visions started and I felt in an overwhelming way the love of God. And the songs began to flow. It started as a response of God’s love to me and my response to the wonders of the revelation of all the different facets of who God was revealed to me.   It has been an amazing discovery of love, grace and mercy.


May this music do for you what it has done and still does for me in opening doorways to discovering intimacy with God. To discovering that He is more than enough. He is the only one that can truly satisfy. He  Is a consuming fire but His desire is help us discover what we have been set free of to truly experience the fullness of His love May passion ignite within us as we fix our eyes on Him and may His love grow and outflow from us as He becomes more and more at home in our hearts.

Enjoy to overflowing


John Davidson

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